Beyond Bank mobile app (UX/UI)

I defined a new strategic vision for Beyond Bank’s mobile app through concept designs based on 45 research interviews.

📱 Native app iOS + Android


Jason Wall (Lead Product Designer), Jenny Lam (Lead Product Designer)


Define the future strategic direction and vision for Beyond Bank’s mobile app.


Completed over four months in 2023.


Sydney and Adelaide, Australia.


Beyond Bank had a generic 'off-the-shelf' template for its mobile app. However, this fell short of evolving customer expectations and failed to distinguish their brand. I was engaged as a consultant with a mandate to conduct comprehensive research and craft a new strategic vision for a bespoke banking app. My primary focus was to uphold Beyond Bank's brand promise as a community bank that’s deeply committed to its customers’ financial wellbeing.

“Conduct comprehensive research and craft a new strategic vision for a bespoke banking app.”

  • Before Redesign

  • After Redesign

Discover & Define

Through primary research with product managers, branch staff, support services, marketing teams and key decision-makers, we gathered insights into Beyond Bank's app objectives. We conducted 20 stakeholder interviews, visited 2 branches, and facilitated several workshops, using methods such as alignment sessions, field studies and empathy mapping. It became clear that our challenge was to unify the digital experience, empower users and deliver a unique value proposition through mobile. We found the need to emphasise local impact, trusted security and an integrated experience. Proactive engagement and growth opportunities were commercial priorities, including leveraging push notifications as a communications channel.

Skills used:

  • Heuristic Evaluation

  • Competitor Analysis

  • Discovery Workshops

  • Stakeholder Interviews

  • Accessibility Review


Test & Learn

I conducted in-depth 1:1 interviews with Beyond Bank customers to understand user behaviour, needs and preferences. 25 interviews were conducted across customer types, spanning various regions and demographics. Observational data was captured and tagged in Miro, enabling efficient analysis. This informed the creation of personas for each customer type, which were mapped to user journeys across platforms. Insights were synthesised into key findings and behaviours, which helped to shape the value proposition of the new app. This research allowed me to understand customers' jobs to be done, pain points and opportunities for enhancement.

Skills used:

  • User Interviews

  • Personas

  • Journey Mapping

  • Insights Synthesis

  • Research Reporting

“Don’t make me dig for my spending data. My bank should show that straight up.”

— Participant, personal banking customer

Design & Deliver

Based on the research, I crafted a vision for Beyond Bank's digital evolution. Customers valued mobile-first, personalised banking experiences integrated across all services, alongside trusted guidance and data-driven insights. Users suggested that mobile banking could strengthen the connection between customers and communities, especially with local personalisation. My concepts proposed a sitemap, navigation design and hi-fi interfaces, all strategically aligned to Beyond Bank's business goals. Ultimately, my design concepts delivered on the promise of defining a bespoke mobile app solution that would elevate the digital experience for Beyond Bank customers.

Skills used:

  • Site Mapping

  • Navigation Design

  • Concepts Ideation

  • User Interface Design

  • Interaction Prototyping

  • Executive Presentation



Hours of stakeholder and customer interviews


User experience principles uncovered via research


Concept screens aligned to business objectives


“Love the visualisations and research findings! We now have a clear ‘north-star’ for our app.”

— Beyond Bank’s chief digital officer, June 2023


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